Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pat's Top Ten Tourist Tips

Pat and Pete

Carrie has asked me to write a "guest blog" and I somewhat reluctantly agreed.  I don't write nearly as well as she does, there are some other things I can do better and with greater ease:  cook, play the piano, garden.  But I'll give it a try.  So here it  is, a la David Letterman:

Pat's top ten list for guests visiting Sweet Little House

 10.  Shopping is always on any of my lists.  For outlets, start with Tangers Outlet - Williams Sonoma and Hush Puppies Merrell Sebago are here while Clinton Crossing has more apparel stores.  But the most fun is the Wear House Picking Pot Thrift Store.  As my suitcase was over-packed at the start of my trip, it's going to be almost impossible to buy anything, but they have a very eclectic collection of furniture, "art pieces" and general "stuff" that is hard to pass up.  

9.  Shoreline Gardens.  The most beautiful and artistically arranged hanging baskets I have seen anywhere.  All plants are started and grown there, I know of no other nursery that does this.  They are closing for the summer in late June - your loss unless you can schedule your trip for autumn or wait until next spring.  But rescheduling your trip is worth it.

8.  Oreo (the queen of cats).  Chipmunks hiding from and tantalizing Oreo!  Her very dedicated and purposeful walk through the living room, on the way to food of course.  Which she is immediately served (many times a day!)

7.  Carrie's garden.  This is lush and filled with so many different plants, many of which I don't know.  The bird feeders attract many birds who are almost as demanding of food as Oreo.

6.    Driving up to Chester.  Just wait until you see it, summer or, I am sure, fall; there are more maple trees than I have seen anywhere (I am a southern flatlander used to pine trees and no trees). 

5.    L & E restaurant in Chester ( luckily for us, Peter works there).  Most extraordinaire French chef who must always dream of food  for it to be so good.  Thank you, Everett,  and Patrick and Mark, for a wonderful evening.

4.    The plaster room.  How could it be called anything else even in its present refurbished and decorated condition? is on the same floor as the bathroom and the kitchen. has a most comfortable bed.  At present there is some contention between me and Sudie James as to whose room it is!  But be assured that you, as a guest, have #1 dibs.

3.  The Lobster Shack.  On the water, tables outside, order at the cash register.  And get a buttery, 1/4 pound lobster roll.  What else can I say?

2.  Thimble Islands cruise.  This is a lovely 45 minute cruise, easy parking, reasonable fares.  And a close-up look at these tiny rock islands with residences ranging from a gazebo to mansions.

1.  Sweet Little House.  I was moved to tears when I walked in; it was like walking into a dream because of all the pictures in Carrie's blogs that I had poured over.  

So - go, be a guest, it's the sweetest little house in America that comes with the sweetest hosts you could ever hope to have.  Much love to them, I will miss them and their hospitality.


  1. Well, what a great idea to invite your guests to post blogs within your lovely blog! I loved this tourist promotion and have decided I need to visit you this summer. I would like to eat my very first lobster roll, take a nap in your garden with Oreo and dine at Pete's charming French restaurant. You live in a perfect, hidden place... enjoy it! Thank you so much for guiding me to blogging. Now, thanks to you, all my students are excited about their blogs as well. Their first assignment is to read my sister, Carrie's Blog...

  2. We CAN NOT wait to have you here!
    And I too look forward to seeing the inception of countless new student blogs this coming Monday when the Yale program begins.
    Our students shall be blog buddies.
    Thank you all for visiting, udub internationals!!!
