Friday, June 27, 2014

Many Things Small Seem So Grand... the beginnings of the raspberries

which later became black raspberries

or the dainty nesting tables Pat brought us from the thrift store

or the lobelia, happy in moss

Oreo under the grape vine

The faux birdhouse with the faux tin roof that Pete made for the lintel

I am not too proud to confess that having a lintel is a certain amount of pressure

The wild roses climbing over the fence

The baby sparrow preparing to leave the house

Marbles...always marbles...

The new additions to the fence

The yard bunny

and the ice cream wagon, "Scoop to Nuts", parked for the time behind town hall 

brimming with perfect-summer-day smiles.


"may my heart always be open to little

birds who are the secrets of living

whatever they sing is better than to know

and if men should not hear them men are old"   
- e.e.cummings

Happy Birthday Weekend, Siggy!


  1. Oh, how dear the little things are in your world, the sparrow, the fence marbles, the nesting table, the ice cream truck... And to think I was stuck on the phone half the day with insurance companies. I need to go outside and ponder the little things before I too grow old with nonsensical things...

  2. You'll never grow old,'ll always be my beautiful little sister!

  3. Great Pictures!! Especially the nasturtiums!!

  4. Thanks, but they will be so much better when I get your Nikon back! But I agree...the nasturtium is as beautiful as it really is.
