Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Several Splendid Things

   Because today is the birthday of two of my favorite people, this page will feature some of our favorite places in this small town. I feel sure that Pete and I will find more now that it's finally warm enough to get out and about.
   But the first place on this list we found the morning we came to look at sweetlittlehouse for the first time. Here we enjoyed delicious lobster rolls for lunch, and, in season, the shop sells local fish.

   Before we even moved into town, Pete found this gem...Thrift Store on Main Street in Clinton. Here Pete traded some doors we found under the shed for another that actually fit inside the house. Since then we've found many simple and fitting pieces at the best of all possible prices

And just last weekend we found the wooden bridge that leads to the town beach...

And these fine 17th and 18th century houses that line the road to the beach...

And this precious beach house...

.....and seagrass

...and the largest purple martin population in Connecticut

....and the smallest church in town

And our neighbor Rocket, and friends, who crow beautifully...

And last, but far from least...Spring blossoms from our own front yard!


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